Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Love and Goal Setting

When goal setting with your kids, it is a good idea to encourage them to set goals in different parts of their lives. A sports-mad child might get excited about goal setting for sport, and it is a nice idea to ask him to think about setting other goals as well, in different areas of his life.

He can use goal setting to succeed and enjoy himself at school, and also in his family life.

Siblings often fight or argue - which is natural, after all they didn't pick their brothers and sisters and while for the most part siblings have loving relationships, sometimes the sparks can fly!

If you find this happens at your home, an idea for school-age kids is to ask them to make it a goal to behave nicely with their siblings. You can use a chore wheel (click on the link and scroll down to find the Chore Wheel Craft!) for consequences if there are any arguments, but more importantly make sure you praise and reward them when they manage to behave harmoniously for longer than usual! Maybe a treat or outing.

Another idea is to encourage siblings to have a joint goal of some kind if they have an interest in common - perhaps a goal to do with a family pet or shared hobby.

There are so many things you can use goal setting for with your family and your children, let's remember that as well as just "achievement" in the traditional sense of the world, we can use goal setting to achieve a more harmonious and loving family!

Happy parenting,


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