Friday, March 16, 2007

Feng Shui For Kids

Happy Friday Everyone

Well, the great “get your kids to help you spring clean challenge” is well underway. For the last two days both kids have given me a solid effort working two hours a day to help me get the house in order. I am amazed that there has been absolutely no complaining and they seem to be enjoying it, go figure.

I let them each pick ten songs that they like and we have all been taking turns with different aspects of the clean up. Yesterday was the laundry room and today it was cupboards and a few closets. Now the weekend is upon us and it is going to be all about getting the recycling together to take to the depot and dropping off clothes that no longer fit but are still in good shape for Goodwill. You talk about "Feng Shui" I can feel the good chi coming into the house as I write this.

I think it helped that we all participated and if it were just the two of them it would have felt a bit overwhelming. Because I was willing to pitch in I think they are finding it quite doable and so far no slacking off, expecting me to do the majority of the work.

So far so good....

Happy Parenting

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