Wednesday, August 30, 2006

All in the Name of Art???

Goal Setting for Kids
Greetings from the UK. As planned Cassie and I have finally met as I have been in the UK since August 20th. I am having a lovely time enjoying the incredible countryside and the lovely people of England. My excuse for not blogging sooner is that I have been suffering from the dreaded "jet lag" not fun but part of the travel experience I am afraid.

Whilst having my coffee this morning Cassie's husband pointed out an article in the Sunday times entitled "The Great Lollipop Debate" The controversial piece spoke of "Jill Greenberg" a famous U.S. photographer who in the name of art, made little children cry by taking away their candy and then photographing their responses. The pictures are incredible but heartwrenching to look at.

I am trying to understand what her so called intended purpose for doing this was? Having written articles about the dangers of the internet for children and the pedophiles that prey on innocent children, I really have to wonder why the children had to be stripped down to their waist. Would it not have the same effect if the child still had it's clothes on? Is it art or is it just for shock value? Kind of makes you wonder, when you hear that the website received 60,000 hits a day.

Having children myself I had trouble looking at the tormented faces of the children and finding any intrinsic value in what she considers "art" just my humble opinion and after reading the article and how it told of the hundreds of angry responses from other viewers, it is obvious that I am not alone in this line of thinking.

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