The first time I left for the UK sans hubby and children I felt guilty, thinking that my family won't be able to cope while I am gone and they are going to suffer nutritionally and no one will have clean clothes to wear, but after awhile you start to realize that they will be just fine without you and when you come back you will be surprised how much they will appreciate you. Sure I came home to a messy house and a massive pile of dirty laundry but no one was too worse for wear. Your family can cope better then you think and you may find that this will be a good learning experience for them and will teach them about responsibility. Now I am not saying that you should leave when your kids are really young with your hubby when they are babies or preschoolers, but my two are sixteen and eleven and very responsible and Dad is very good at opeing a tin of beans and making toast. I know not everyone can just fly off for a vacation but even an hour to yourself to have a bubble bath or get into a juicy novel that you have been dying to read will be very therapeutic and will help to fill the well, make it a priority and the whole family will benefit because you will be refreshed and renewed and will be a better Mom than ever and that is very unselfish.

Happy Parenting,
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