Sunday, September 24, 2006

Have Fun in the Kitchen

Have Fun In The Kitchen
Lately I have decided that I need to give my fifteen-year-old daughter  more responsibility. I want her to learn all the basic skills such as washing her own clothes basic housekeeping and cooking. In learning these skills she will become self-sufficient and it will better prepare her when she is on her own. We have decided that she will prepare some of the meals for the family and I am learning to let go enough to let her make mistakes in the kitchen because that is a big part about learning.
Children seem to really like helping in the kitchen. Whether it is opening a can or helping to crack eggs for a cake they are more than willing to lend a hand. Why not use this time to bond with your kids. Cooking can also be educational because a child will learn about counting, measuring, fractions and time. Your child will be learning and having fun at the same time.
Even children as young as three or four can be join in on the fun. Pick out a kid tested recipe and decided which parts of the recipe is age appropriate for your child always keeping in mind that safety is a factor.
For some great you can make with your children, visit the KidsGoals web site.
Happy Cooking

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