Thursday, September 07, 2006

Goal Setting for Kids

Goal Setting for Kids

I have now been away from my children for eighteen days and although I am having a wonderful time visiting my dearest friend in England, I find that I am missing my family terribly. It just goes to show you that you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone, or in my case until you have had a break from it for a little while.

I can remember thinking before I left for the UK how uneventful my life had become and how I felt so taken for granted. This little respite I have had from the same old, same old routine of my life has shown me how truly blessed I am. I have also noticed that my family has also had a bit of a revelation themselves.

It will be interesting to see if they pick up after themselves and help out a bit more without being asked but I guess time will tell. The bottom line is that having this time to myself to take care of my needs and my needs alone has made me realize that I am where I need and want to be.

I think all Mothers need to take time for them. Even if it cannot be three weeks in London, a few hours to yourself once in awhile may be just what the Doctor ordered. A bubble bath without the kids bothering you for half an hour, or just a day out with a girl friend will rejuvenate and restore you. It is important that you do things for yourself. It may seem like you are being selfish but in reality you are doing the best for your family. By taking care of number one you are giving your family a better you and that is a very loving thing indeed.

Have a stress free day.


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