Now that the kids are back at school, it is a great time to help them to learn to be organized both with their homework and with their goal setting! Here are some ideas to start you off:
1. Give your child a corkboard. Corkboards are fabulous goal setting tools! You can quickly and easily stick up photos cut out of magazines, sketches or notes to do with your goals. It's a place to keep anything that relates to your goal quickly rather than it hiding in a pile of papers on the desk.
2. Teach your child to break goals into sub-goals and tasks. One of the key skills for goal setting is breaking a big goal down into manageable "bites". If you teach your child to have a proper checklist or to-do list for each goal, it will seem much more attainable.
3. Have a special place for goal setting. Every child should have a place that they feel is their own where they can have peace and quiet. It's essential for effective and productive homework and that place is ideal for spending time planning how to achieve their goals as well.
Watch out for our parent newsletter article coming soon on Getting organized for Goal Setting.
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