Dear readers, I finally did it! I sent out the first kidsgoals newsletter. It was difficult writing the word from the editor as I had to let our subscribers know about Cassie. I have to tell you it was touch and go there a few times as I am so unskilled in the area of code and I wanted the newsletter to look nice. I persevered and the first attempt was sent out just before 2 AM in the morning and now I am waiting to hear any feed back from the readers.
I was unable to use any photos in the newsletter - I just couldn't figure out how to size them properly. I am hoping to have that remedied soon as I want a pic of Cassie and myself on the front. Cassie was a huge part of kidsgoals and she will continue to be a huge part of kidsgoals!
So bear with me folks as I muddle through the next few months. I have much to learn and I am very eager - a good combination I would say!!
Hope you all have a great weekend and I will try and blog as much as possible.
Happy Parenting,
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