Saturday, December 30, 2006

Seasons Greetings

Hello Everyone

So sorry for the long miss. One of my many goals for the New Year is to be more diligent with my blogging. Speaking of goalsetting Cassie and I are very excited about our goal setting promotion for the month of January. We are going to concentrate on how you and your children can set doable goals and actually realize them. No more New Years resolutions, goalsetting is the way to go. Why not make 2007 your year. Make a list of all the things you want to accomplish no matter how big or how small and use the tools that we will introduce to you in the upcoming weeks to bring them to fruition. Can you imagine how good it will feel to actually accomplish what you set out to do. Now that is a cause for celebration!!


Saturday, December 09, 2006


My Dear Friend Cassie is away for three days and I am missing her terribly. Despite the fact that she is 7,000 KM away living in the UK we usually get together most days for a chat online and discuss plans for the website and newsletter; but alas she is in Scotland staying with friends and won’t have access to a computer. It got me thinking about friendship and how important it is to us. I know Cassie keeps me sane and I would be lost without her. There is nothing I cannot tell her and she knows me inside out in fact we are so in sync sometimes it is scary. I don’t know what I would do without her; and it makes me realize how blessed I am to have her in my life.

Friendship is extremely important for our children too. Friendships help children learn social skills, problems solving skills and help to build their self-confidence. Some children have trouble making friends so we may have to give them a helping hand. If your child is shy find ways for him to build up his self esteem  so that he can feel more confident when around his peers. Get your children involved in activities where they can make new friends if they are having problems finding friendship in school.

For more ideas on how to help your child make friends check out our website

Have a great day!!


Friday, December 08, 2006

Tis The Season

Happy Friday, Everyone

Two days ago I lost my wallet. It somehow fell out of my jacket pocket never to be seen again. Now being of the firm belief that things happen for a reason I was trying to figure out exactly what I needed to learn from this. Was it a lesson to teach me to be more conscious or a lesson for me to learn to be more careful... I wonder??

I also believe that even when something seems negative we need to find the positive in the experience. I thought about that one for a bit and came to the conclusion that things could have been worse. Sure it was a pain in the butt to cancel my bank card and credit card and get a new license etc ; but other than that what did I really lose? Luckily I only had $10 in it so thankfully I was not carrying a lot of money. The positive then would be that I could have been carrying a bunch of cash whilst on a Christmas shopping trip, now that would have been a major downer. So all in all it was not a big deal!! Once I came to that conclusion, I could relax and get on with my life. Still in the back of my mind I wanted to believe that some kind soul would find the wallet and return it to me, I didn't hold my breath... but it was still in my thoughts never-the-less.

Well my friends just before I wrote this blog I received a phone call and my wallet was found in order and I can pick it up tomorrow. Too cool!! Maybe the lesson I needed to learn was to trust in the kindness of strangers. Somehow with all the news about the latest terrorist attack or crime somewhere we start to lose faith in our fellow man and forget (except for a few bad apples) that we are all inherently good people deep down inside. This was an eye-opener for me to keep trusting and not become cynical. I have always tried to give people the benefit of the doubt and at times it has come back to bite me. This has shown me that I need to continue to have faith in my neighbour. I think it is imperative that we teach this to our children too.

Thank you Universe!!! I learned my lesson big time!! Monicka
